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The baby boom generation is changing senior living.  Just as restaurants and grocery stores have need to change to satisfy boomer tastes so are living communities and senior services.  More options are available now than ever before. Medical and technological advancements are allowing service providers to make available more customized care.  This is leading the way for seniors to age more securely and comfortably. Senior communities are looking less like institutions and more like homes. Infusing living environments with technology making available medical support to assist seniors is a giant step forward in reshaping the way receive care and when necessary care crisis intervention. 

As life expectancy for seniors continues to increase they are putting off retirement, some out of financial necessity but others out of a desire for daily engagement in something socially and mentally stimulating as well as productive. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) increased life expectancy for boomers is a driving force in this trend.

Senior boomers are showing interest in taking care of themselves and not being regarded as patients. They are choosing to be fully integrated into their wellness plan and taking more responsibility than ever for healthier choices. Technology through the use of smartwatches is providing the ability to self-monitor glucose levels, heart rates, fitness levels, sleeping patterns, and more.

These seniors, who are choosing to stay vital and active, are also changing their diets to a more plant-based, organic farm-to-table approach. The largest US Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is Kaiser Permanente, and its recommendation is for seniors to switch to a primarily plant-based diet, in part to help ward off chronic conditions including inflammation. Seniors in shared living spaces now request information about chefs and how the foods are sourced and prepared – much as they would in a grocery store – opting for healthier foods and healthy meal preparation techniques. 

Housing trends are showing that when a senior opts out of independent living or their multigenerational home, the settings tend to be smaller and non-institutional. The floor plans mimic those of single-family residences, although with a lot more bedrooms. This senior demographic is enticing markets to create service options and interactive opportunities on and off living sites in response to a trend called “Gray Divorce.” The divorce rate among those 50 and older has nearly doubled in the past 25 years, and many of these divorcees are not remarrying. A social opportunity to connect with others for these previously married seniors is critical to their overall happiness and health. 

Now more than ever seniors are participating in social media platforms which allow for transparency with regards to living environments and health care. Online reviews of doctors, technicians and their office practices and senior retirement communities/facilities are subjected to more scrutiny than ever. Seniors realize the power they have by sheer numbers, magnifying their voice, to keep their priorities and needs front and center. Online forums provide discussion groups as to how other seniors are coping with aging, medical conditions or perhaps discussing the pros and cons